Make the sale: My best online retail sales tips
The word ‘sales’ can often make you cringe and want to crawl into a cave but let’s face it, most businesses require some kind of ‘sale’ to operate whether you’re selling a house, a course, a dress or even sales ideas.
As someone that’s been working in the online retail sales and coaching industry some time, I thrive off my role and nothing gives me more of a thrill than when I close a sale, however, I do understand that for some it’s almost looked upon as a dirty word.
There are some basic fundamentals to selling and even though some may not always apply to your online e-commerce store if you follow these well-known steps you might find it comes easier to you than you expected, after all, it really is all just a process.
Believe in your product / know your product
There are some people that are born salespeople, you know the ones that can sell sand at the beach? However, we’re not all built that way, you’re going to have a hard time selling a product if you’re not passionate about it, you need to believe in what you’re selling or you’re going to come across disingenuous.
You also need to know what you’re selling, this might sound obvious to some but how often have you tried to purchase something and you ask a question and the salesperson can’t answer it? Know your product inside out and if you’re asked a question you can’t answer on the spot, find the answer and come back to your client as soon as possible, they will appreciate you for it and the extra effort won’t go unnoticed.
From an e-commerce perspective, try to ensure you have a quick and efficient turnaround time to your email and social media enquiries, you could very well lose a sale if you don’t respond to a customer enquiring about a product who’s had to wait 2 days or more for a response.
Ask questions and build trust
Get to know your client, ask them questions to gain a better understanding of exactly what they’re after. You probably wouldn’t sell a sports car to someone needing a people mover for a family of 6, the same applies to all products. Determine your client’s needs, budget likes and dislikes and it will give you a much clearer understanding of what they're after so you can tailor the sale to their requirements.
Being genuinely interested in your client will also build trust which could make them your client for life.
From an e-commerce perspective on this point, know your target market… build your website and consider your pricing to reflect the audience that you’re selling to.
Be honest, don’t bullshit
There is nothing worse than someone trying to sell you a product that you know isn’t right for you. “Oh that pure white $7k couch is going to look great in your kid’s playroom,” said no one ever!
Don’t try to sell a product when you genuinely know it’s not right for your customer, instead try offering suggestions that might be more suitable. Your client will see right through you if you’re being pushy and just trying to get the sale, provide suitable suggestions and they will appreciate your knowledge and expertise.
All sales ideas count no matter how big or how small
Don’t brush off a customer who is only wanting to make a small purchase because you’re too busy or chasing the bigger sale. The person buying the $200 domestic airfare off you this time around might just come back and book a 6 months round the world trip next time.
Overcome objections
It’s very common for customers to have objections and these are perfectly warranted.
Often there are solutions to most objections but you need to be flexible and work with your customer. Some examples are…
Objection: “I don’t have the money right now”
Solution: How about we put down a deposit now and we can make a plan for when the balance is required.
Objection: “I need to talk to my other half before I can make a decision”
Solution: Suggest that the client can return an item within an agreed time frame whilst they get the green light from their partner.
Basically work with your customer to reach a desirable agreement that keeps both camps happy.
Close the sale
They love it, they’re keen, they want your product. So ask them, “would you like to go ahead with your purchase”? You’ll be surprised how often they will say yes!
From an e-commerce point of view here, have a reminder go out to your customers who’ve left abandoned carts, the same principles apply really, just in an online format.
Handle rejection with professionalism and grace
Sometimes they won’t say yes, you’re not going to be able to convert every single sale every single time and that’s ok. Sometimes you may have felt like you’d moved mountains for your client to try and close that sale and they don’t proceed, it happens.
Whatever you do, do not let your disappointment project onto your client. Handle the situation with professionalism and grace, they may not be your customer this time around but the way you handle the outcome may make them your client next time.
Finally, be confident and have fun
Sales don’t have to be scary or hard, sales can be learnt and if you follow this process and genuinely enjoy and believe in what you are doing then it should come easily to you.
Good luck and happy selling!
For Sales ideas to drive traffic and sales to your store then see how I can help.