5 top tips for staying motivated when working from home

Staying motivated while working from home

After working from home full-time for the past 3.5 years, here are my top tips for staying motivated and making it work. Check out my full story.

There's no question about it. Working from home has its perks! I personally love not having to do any form of daily commute, put a load of washing on in between calls, and be able to work in my comfy trackies and Ugg boots! BUT, it also has its downsides. Motivation can fade quickly, and morale and my mood can drop to 'meh' pretty quickly.


1.) Make an effort to get dressed and put your make-up on (and brush your hair!)

I know it sounds funny but it’s true, it’s so easy to roll out of bed and into your workspace rocking it in your PJ’s and slippers especially on those cold winter mornings! But bad habits form quickly and before you know it your corporate uniform is not something that should ever leave the house and those sloppy feels can rub off on your work as well.

I love the old saying, 'look good, feel good' and I find if I've made an effort to put myself together, I'm more likely to be much more productive and will feel presentable enough to do that Facebook live, or Videoblog I've been putting off for weeks.

The days when I work in my daggiest trackies and uggs, hair in a messy bun and not a scrap of makeup, I find my productivity is low and I'm counting down the hours until I can hit the sofa for a Netflix session.


2) Create an inspiring and designated workspace

Creating a beautiful and inspirational workspace that is separate from normal living areas is critical for long-term success when working from home.  Ideally, you would have a space that you can close the door on come knock-off time or the weekends, so there's a clear physical division of space between 'work' and 'living.'

It's also important to ensure your workspace inspires you and is presented and styled in a way that motivates you.  Avoid dust and clutter, and make sure you have a clean workspace every morning. Clutter will bug you (well, it does me!), and keeping your space clean and comfortable will ensure you won't resent working there.


3)  Set clear boundaries around work times

I know I've had to explain many times to friends and family that although I'm working from home, I am, in fact, working. I can't just leave my work in the middle of the day to catch up (though I wish I could!). Running two businesses is more than a full-time job, and I try to avoid working or 'catching up' on work on the weekends, which means I have to be very strict about my work hours.

You need to be firm and clearly outline to your loved ones that your work time is not to be disturbed and that you will catch them outside of your designated work hours. I like to have quick coffee catch-ups immediately after school drop-off only so I can be back in front of my computer by 9:30 a.m.—10 a.m. at the latest!


4)  Avoid making conversation with your pot plants. Connect with other business-minded folks.

Working from home can be isolating and sometimes quite lonely. Try to find a network of people you can connect with, whether it’s joining a Mastermind, a relevant Facebook group, a local BNI chapter, or getting together for weekly coffee catch-ups with other people in your industry.

Connecting with people, bouncing ideas around or sometimes just needing to vent are all so important for your overall well being and having these connections will help your business thrive.

Having other people in your support network who understand what working for yourself is like is super important. I have found that most of my closest friends also have their own businesses because they just 'get it'. We lead a very different life, not one that many people understand, so having a friend to lend an ear when you just got your BAS bill is highly recommended!


5)  Learn to switch off

At the end of the working day, close the laptop and shut the door. Set up the out of the office on your emails with clear working hours.

I know exactly what you are thinking, 'but Jodie, my brain is always in the business!'. I know, I'm exactly the same, BUT after more than 5 years of always being 'on' I know first hand, it can lead to burn out.  And if you are crumpled in an exhausted heap at the end of each workweek, or your personal relationships have been pushed aside, it's time for an intervention.  I'm positive you created your own business in order to have a better lifestyle and create a better life for you and your family.  If you are burnt out and unable to work or not enjoying your weekends with your friends and family, you've created the opposite.

Your business will still be there in the morning, ready and waiting for you to conquer the day, recharged and ready to go! Treat your time in your business like a job.  You wouldn't work at 9 pm on a Saturday evening for a boss.  Working for yourself shouldn't be any different.  Be a good boss.  Treat yourself to time off!


I hope you found these tips helpful!

Do you have any tips for staying motivated while working from home? We'd love to hear them in the comments below!

Until next time,

